Submission guideline

Kindly review the scope of your papers by clicking the journal logo below and choose accordingly before submission of the FULL PAPER.

Only Selected accepted paper will be published in WOSSCOPUSjournal

Regular Submission

Special Issue

Regular Submission

Impact Factor2.60 (Q2)

Impact Factor0.12 (Q4)


Review Process

Paper Submission:

Authors who want to present their work at the conference need to submit a full paper to this link ( Please follow the format of the selected journal before uploading to the format.

Initial Screening:

The publication team will perform an initial screening to ensure that submissions align with the journal's scope and the conference themes. Acceptance letters will be issued to the author by 30 October 2024.

Submission to Publisher system:

Author will be notified through email with the acceptance letter. Then, the author needs to submit the accepted full paper through the publisher system.

 Peer Review:

Full-length research papers will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. Reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject matter will evaluate the papers for quality, originality, methodology, and relevance.

Revision and Resubmission:

Authors will be given feedback from the reviewers and can revise their manuscripts accordingly.

Final Decision:

Papers meeting the journal's standards for quality and originality will be accepted for publication.